Thursday, November 10, 2005

I really shouldn't be doing this

In an effort to avoid all kinds of homework and essays and speach writing and novel reading that I SHOULD be doing right now, I started a blog. never seemed like something I would do, but there you have it.

OOH! I get our preview movies early this week because of remembrance day! Which means I will be watching Medagascar and Skeleton key and Stealth tommorrow at my place while I am trying to do homework. oh actually not until friday cuz I am watching a play with my future in laws tommorrow night. That will be fun, though I will feel guilty (much like now) for not doing homework.

I love school. I get all excited about the prospect of learning new things. but I HATE homework. I would love to find a school where you listen to lectures and take notes and do an exam at the end to make sure you were awake and actually learning. none of this presentation and essay crap. oh well. The things we do for a degree...

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