Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Super Power

If I could have a supernatural power of some kind, I would do one of 2 things.  The first would be to have the ability to think something onto paper (or in this case computer screen) that way I do not have to waste all this time and energy organizing my thoughts and typing. For example, I have this story in my head, and I managed to get the short version onto paper once, but the long version is still rattling around in there.  If I had this ability, I would be able to just will it to be written, and it would. with perfect grammer and everything. A direct link out of my brain into a hard format.  Or, I would do the same thing for this paper that I am having such a hard time with that it is overdue. BAD me! Typing and planning and organizing take so much time its annoying.

The other thing, and actually probably the first thing I would do is have the ability to take on any characteristic of any fictional character I want, from books or movies or whatever.  This probably gives me every power in the book, not to mention some interesting personality choises.  so to keep it from being completely all powerful, it would have to be from any character I know about, and probably only one power at a time.  This of course means that I can WRITE a story about a character who can think papers into exsistance, and I would be able to do it!  or I could fly. or I could say all those witty, clever things I would love to say if I ever thought of them at just the right moment, or any thing else you have ever admired in a character. 
To be fair, I stole this idea from Gord.  He thought of it first and I tweaked it :-)

Anyway, back to the long way of doing things.  *sigh*

Pressing onward!

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