Sunday, January 22, 2006

I am now a whole lot richer

cuz I have signed house and morgage papers with my fiance! (who has quite the savings by the by) Anyway, if all goes well and no unexpected hiccups occur, we will be taking possestion of a very nice apartment at the end of march. YAY! a block or so from my school, has 2 bed, 2 bath and a fireplace, deck, and walk in closet. we have more then 25% down so its gonna be a fairly small morgage and will hopefully be paid off well withing 10 years. I am very excited!!!

Its been an insane week, and I am sure I have missed some important hanging out with friends and some even more inportant homework, but I think that grown up life stuff is important enough for that. As far as I know, we are all clear until march and I can get back to multitasking my school and wedding and social life arranging for a bit. without the added apartment hunting issues. too... much.... multitasking........

Although we do still have to figure out what in heavens name we are gonna do witht he largeish, crystally chandeleir that the very nice old lady wants to leave for us in the fairly small apartment. Its not an ugly thing by any strech of the imagination. I just find it a little ostentatious for the size and scope of the place. maybe we will take some of the ornamentation chrystal off of it so its not quite so big and cluttered. We shall see. but it is very pretty.

OH and I got my bridesmaid's dress in. and we ordered our shoes.

Left to do: small flower order, look into renting chairs and maybe a carpet(or fake grass) for the soggy lawn, make up a lunch menu, talk to my doctor about anti-baby pills or some such crap, get the alterations on my dress done, buy the best man a suit, sign more morgage and property papers, clean my room, throw stuff out, pack, paint, remove ostentatious lighting, move, stock kitchen, 8 essay assignments, 10 small assignments, 2 midterms, 4 final exams, read MANY books and poems. and I am sure much more. Thats just what my up for 19 hour brain can come up with.

Is it April yet???

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