Wednesday, January 02, 2013


For the record,  I don't do New Years resolutions.

I figure that if I need to do something I may as well start whatever it is right away.  That way, when I fail, it spreads the disappointment in myself out throughout the year instead of cramming it all into February and making a really depressing month.  It also make succeeding at something all the nicer because it wasn't forced on me as some kind of socially pressured goal.  It was just me honestly trying to improve myself.

Besides, I can't really think of anything worth resolving that I haven't already had in the back of my head  for the last several years. If I haven't done it by now, it aint gonna happen until I am good and ready.

Oh hey! And I finished that scarf I started last summer! Yay me!  I'm calling that an accomplished goal, even if I never pick up my needles again (which I want too.  Just need more wool and a project).  Like that time I lost 30lbs.  It certainly wasn't all I needed to lose, and I am up 10 of that again, but it was a success dammit! I did however fail miserably at my Goodreads reading challenge for the year.  I read just about 75% of what I wanted too, but I blame that on the baby brain and subsequent baby.

So yeah.  I finished a scarf, read a bunch, and started raising a daughter. I am calling last year a success, despite it's best efforts.

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