Friday, May 19, 2006

My Professional Value

I love feeling wanted. It doesn't often happen, especially when one is pursueing a degree is something as generic and generally impractical as English Literature. Academics and professionals are not really clammering for your time, as being able to quote Shakespeare and Dickens inside out and backwards is not really a employable skill. Unless you are an actor, in which case you would have a theatre degree instead or as well. So, because of this lack of enthusiasm, I got very excited when I got begged to take a job with my former employer at another of his video stores. Its a nice feeling to be wanted like, NOW, and to be able to skip the resume/interview process. I think this has been the most painless job search ever. Now if only the library would call and want me too. That would be awesome. In the meantime I will settle for working a minimum wage job that is actually quite similar and that I do enjoy. And continue to pursue my all but useless degree. (good thing I am adding a Library Tech Certificate to it!)

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